Wednesday, July 7, 2010

USC's Linebacker Jordan Campbell: Cracks kills but what if it's Sexy?

USC's Linebacker Jodan Campbell had tons of fun this July Fourth. The 22-year-old Jock let it hang  a little too low while getting a little "tooted and booted" with a female friend
you may remeber Campbell with his trademark of  long flowing hair on the field, which was cut last year as a disciplinary punsihment. Campbell had reportely been partying a little too hard  as he is known to  promote parties. Last season one  he promoted a club event with the use of USC  football players in attendance. One thing about USC and it's PR control is that they take name association seriously! The flyer mentioned that USC football players would be at a club a night before a game, which is a USC violation since that the players are on lockdown 24 hours before all games.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Taylor Mays and Girlfriend Celebrate the 4th

You remember Taylor Mays, USC All-Star football player who was recently drafted to the 49ners back in April. Mays celebrated the 4th with girlfriend, X- USC-volleyball player Paige Obradiovich in ebay. The two have been linked together for about a year and despite the couple's high and lows, break-ups to make-ups it is great to see that they are still standing strong. Mays seems to be very comfortable with the Obradovich family.  Do i hear wedding bells in the future?? okay okay that may be a stretch we all know his girlfriend has thought about it   besides Mays might want to play the Pro-field and I'm not talking football.. Will it last ?? Only time will tell.

Monday, July 5, 2010

3 Glories you should know about

#1 USC Football

The best way to start for the newbies to USC is share a little descriptions about our glories. Number one of course being FOOTBALL. It is truly one the most glorified hypes on campus and is # 1 in regards to student turn-out  & support! It may be a result of Los Angeles not having a professional NFL team whatever it is   these boys  have hype and supporters from all over the world! Unfortunately this leads to a Cocky syndrome. Some of these boys are just plain ridiculous. And what stumps me is the very ones that are on the bench can have the biggest egos...Look I am very proud of your accomplishment,  making it on the team and all but lets get some PT before we get ahead of ourselves and act like we re running things okay!!
TRUE STORY::: while at the local college bar one player uses the "it's my last year ,I'm going pro" line to convince me to sleep with him !! wow HuN your going to have to do better THEN THAT!!  I responded "Is that what you tell girls... Let me guess you'll also be the best i ever had right?  PLEASE !! you future occupation which depends on you not having an injury(go figure) is not going to get you my number  let alone my body NEXT!!
Now there are some players who are just so sweet, nice, humble, and sexy. who are truly stars and don't need the solidification nor do they need to recite that their future includes PRO football... i have love for all those boys thank you for doing what it is you do and not letting the fame of USC get to you .. Either way
lots of events on campus our centered around football season so there will be future post on these boys..also look out for the top twenty sexiest players  a future blog coming soon !! yes eye candy Ladies 

# 2 The World Famous Song Girls

 These girls are another glory of USC . They are a counterpart of the USC Marching Band who are known as the Spirit of USC. These girls perform at games events and you can hire them for parties!! yes parties! previous gigs would include Barmitzvahs, Weddings, County fairs and the like. But of course for a healthy fee of about $150 per girl. Their gigs are screened so no fellas you can not hire them for a date. wow if  that crossed your mind you ARE really lame.  There super hot !!!( well most of them)   You can cacth (from left to right) Erin, Morgan, New chick, Shannon, new chick, Abby, new chick, Captain Rachel, Shelby and another New chick! Stay tuned its bound to get interesting!! In Case you were Wondering i did not name the new chicks because they are far from being World Famous, so their names will be announce at a later date when they have acquired some more experience. Abby is also new girl but I've met her personally ...and she is the sweetest, plus she can high kick, split, leap, and spin circles around some of the veterans ..just saying it is what it is!!